Europe Breakdown How Did The Breakdown Of Feudalism Change Europe???

How did the breakdown of feudalism change Europe??? - europe breakdown

I agree with the answer Grannytoad is to some degree. Certainly, removing the fetters of feudal society has a middle layer is the result of traders - and perhaps more important than the feudal lords. But it is something like a chicken and egg question. Also it can be argued that one reason for the collapse of feudalism of the middle class and economic power of the bend in the main cities, and money to have) the corporate middle class (instead of feudal services, both governments are becoming increasingly important.

Instead, I think the most important change caused by the disappearance of the feudal system in the development of nation states in Europe. Under feudalism, the loyalty of every individual to another individual associated with personal commitments. For example, a person born in France, he felt obligated to serve France as a nation: the duty was to serve his master, whether Overlord strategies and actions.

The breakdown of feudalism led to the developmenttion of national identities. And expect the development of national governments to fulfill their obligations to protect and in the interests of their nation --- and the right to loyalty to the nation, the people of his nation.


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