Can somsone describe the difference between left heart failure and right heart failure? - heart failure heart failure
in the etiology, pathogenesis and symptoms. And what are the two possibilities may arise in which the right heart failure, and what are the complications of heart failure?
Heart Failure Heart Failure Can Somsone Describe The Difference Between Left Heart Failure And Right Heart Failure?
1:52 PM
Heart failure is basically the heart failure as an effective and efficient pump function. The etiology and pathogenesis results from damage to heart tissue. Damage can) with a myocardial infarction (heart attack, caused a valve stenosis (mitral, aortic, pulmonary, tricuspid), pulmonary hypertension, or disease processes, such as pericarditis. The complications of heart failure, including a decrease in ejection fraction, increased fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, dyspnea on exertion, pulmonary edema and edema of the lower limbs. Hope this helps. You can contact me via e-mail if you have any further questions.
Left heart failure due to anemia or hyperthyroidism, hypertension, aortic regurgitation, congenital heart disease, cardiomypathy and arrhymias. Work harder under these conditions, the left side of the heart to pump blood to compensate for this additional load on the heart by increasing the size of the left sideof the heart or accelerated heart rate is not empty heart before the next load of blood. Can difficulty breathing and fluid in the lungs. Heart failure in the side due to the resistance of pulmonary hypertension of blood into the lungs. Also left ventricular dysfunction. Right side heart failure is oppo-pressure flow of blood from the heart into the venous system that causes distended neck veins, enlarged liver and biological fluids. Diuretics, vasodilator drugs, antihypertensives low sodium diet. CHF is treatable.
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